IBS Solutions: Treatment, Research and Training



Do you have IBS or Functional Dyspepsia? Are you interested in participating in research on your thoughts and feelings about living with your condition?

You are invited to participate in a study assessing individual’s experiences with bowel disorders, your thoughts and feelings and how these may impact your life.

We would like you to participate in this study if you:

  • Are over 18 years of age;
  • Have been diagnosed with IBS or Functional Dyspepsia (or have symptoms which would suggest you have one of these disorders)
  • Live in Australia;
    Are proficient in English and feel confident writing in the English language to answer questions online; and
  • Can undertake a web-based questionnaire about your bowel disorder at home (approx. 20-30 minutes duration)

What is involved in the study:

  • Online questionnaire- one occasion: You will be asked to complete an online questionnaire upon agreeing to participate in this study. Those who participate will be offered the opportunity to go in a draw to win one of three $50 Event Cinemas vouchers, in which case you will be asked to supply your contact details.

How do I participate?

You can access the questionnaire by going to the following link (or by copy and pasting the link into the address bar of your browser):


If you would like more information, please contact Madeleine Fooks (Researcher) by email ([email protected]).


This research is being conducted to meet the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) under the supervision of A/Prof Kerry Sherman (02 9859 6874 or [email protected]), Department of Psychology, Macquarie University.